Mobile Stage Rental Services

Stages Northwest can serve your mobile stage platform needs for you event
in Seattle, Portland, and nation wide.

Benefits of Mobile Stage Rentals

If time is of the essence, these are the stages for you, mobile stages may be the answer to your needs for:

  • Safety
  • Speed of installation
  • Mobility
  • Versatility
Portable Stage - Adidas

By owning a fleet of Stage Line mobile stages we can be ready for your show in two hours. This will provide you with an all-inclusive stage, roof, banner system complete with sound wings, drum riser, stairs, and skirting.

Select Your Portable Stage

Our inventory includes:

Contact Our Portable Stage Rental Team

Once you select the optimum stage for your event, we will supply the best in:

  • Transportation
  • Set up
  • Service
  • Removal

Let our experts guide you through the process. Contact a Stages Northwest team member today!

Environmental Impact of Mobile Stages

Concerned about the environmental impact of mobile stage rentals?

Our portable stage platforms rentals are built to be reusable and save energy, they rank highly in energy savings. One single truck provides transportation for the mobile stage which carries all the stage components inside the system. Although prepared to be installed  in versatile environments, they don’t disturb the soil by ballasting or anchoring and no site preparation or restoration is needed.

The portable stages are 73% recycled steel, have a lifecycle in excess of 25 years and are 80% recyclable.

At Stages Northwest we understand the environmental impact of events. Here is our detailed commitment.

Portable Stage Projects